Sport performance at Boos World
Men's strength training and sports performance at Boos World

Athletes need more than what is provided at the typical gym. They need a place to train, where they can be focused on their goals and work with licensed strength training professionals who understand the commitment they’ve made to their sport and where peak achievement is the chief emphasis.

BOOS WORLD provides an ideal environment for improving sports performance. John Boos has designed and patented unique and highly effective equipment and techniques. He has many years of experience, knowledge, and success working one-on-one with athletes, and he’s ready to help you meet your goals, too.


Our individual training programs are arranged around the athlete’s personal strengths, weaknesses, and pathologies. We also take into account the specifics of their sport. Everyone is different – your training program needs to address your ability, as well as what you need to do to perform optimally in your sport.

We’ve helped athletes achieve highly successful results in sports such as lacrosse, volleyball, golf, tennis, soccer, football, swimming, and track. All training sessions are carefully supervised and recorded to track progress and ensure your goals are met. (See Testimonials)

Strength and power training has been shown to dramatically improve athletic performance. We work with you to create a personalized training program that fits your needs, based on your current abilities and the sport for which you are training. Whether you are a beginner and new to your sport, or you have years of experience, we can help you design a program that meets your objectives.


Our philosophy is simple:

We guarantee results for athletes committed to their program.

Unlike a typical gym, our clients train using an individually designed workout program offering unique equipment and techniques you won’t find anywhere else and with a licensed skilled certified trainer. You work one-on-one with someone who understands what you need to do in order to reach your goals and who can help you get there.

If you want to learn more about training for improved sports performance with BOOS WORLD or you have any other questions about what our state-of-the-art gym can offer you.

Contact Us Today (631) 587-4786